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Tricks to Ensure your Handbags Will Last A Lifetime

Do your bags get tossed onto a haphazard heap at the bottom of your closet? We all know that they’ll last longer if stored the right way. However, it takes patience, commitment and a whole lot of tender loving CARE. If you are the type of person to have taken the time to invest in a luxury bag, then you will want to get the most out of your purchase (am I right?). Yes, we’re more willing to splurge on a beautiful designer handbag than on any other wardrobe component, justifying our purchase by saying, “Well, this’ll last me for years,” So, you might plan on keeping it forever to use and enjoy, or maybe you hope to resell it in the future to make room for a style update. Either way, it pays to keep your handbag in excellent condition. Which brings us to today’s subject: learning how to preserve and properly care for these investment bits and pieces. Luckily, there are a few simple steps you can take to ensure that your precious luxury bags are kept in mint condition for years to come.

I, myself am very blessed to have designers/branded/luxury bags at this age. All, thanks to Le Queen Bee (my mother- I call her that). Because, we both pretty much have the same taste when it comes to good things in life. Guess, I also got my fashion taste in her chromosomes (LOL!). Way back when I was a kid, I first started to invest on Luis Vuittons. One of which is my LVE Speedy 25. As I can recollect, my father would always tease me whenever he'll see me going out with my LV Speedy 25. He would call me "Matrona" (a term used in Filipino meaning a married woman, also a woman of established age and dignity). Because, he keeps on insisting that I look like an old lady with that bag. Oh! Dad, how I wish you're still here on earth, so that you'll be able to read this blog post of mine (hihi) I know, we would laugh our hearts out by now. On a serious note, what I love about that doctor's bag, is that it's so small. It's just perfect and right size for a happy "maarte" kid like me.

My first LV has been with me for more than 8 years. And it has served me well. Because of the fact that my mother, since then always reminds that I should take good care of whatever they'll give me. She taught me well, on how I should take care of my bags. Therefore, since it's my very first baby (Haha). YAAS! I have babies. And they each have names. Remember, in my previous statement. You should be committed to your investments? That's how committed I am. I started young in preserving and properly storing my "Speedy" in the right place. Good heavens sake! Nowadays there's this company whose goal is to help bag lovers like me in ensuring that my babies are in good condition always.

I'm talking about Oh My Bag Philippines. They have tons of items in helping us in protecting our bags from those harmful elements (may it be us, or the forces of this universe). Name it and they have it ( From Bag Raincoats, Bag Stuffers, Handle Wraps, Base Shapers, Dehumidifiers to Dust Bags). How wonderful aren't they? Now, you don't have to worry anymore on where to buy those mentioned products because every bag care is already present in that shop.

Enough with the "scratch papers, old newspapers that's been crumbled or even tissue napkins" to fill in your bags with stuff just for it to stay in shape. Oh My Bag Philippines, has this product that solves your old fashion way of filling in your bags with scraps. One product, that I got from them is their "BAG SHAPER" for my LV. And I wasn't disappointed at all. It really served its purpose. And that is to stuff my bag to prevent them from developing unsightly creases and folds (which makes them more prone to developing molds and accelerated darkening). Ensure bags are not squashed when stored. Moreover, bag shapers from Oh My Bag comes with different sizes that would fit your Gucci, Longchamps, LVs, small bags, travelling bags and Kate Spades. Kudos to the quality, because it seems that I'll be buying more of their stuffers for all of my bags may it be branded or not.

PRICE: ₱340.00

WHERE TO BUY: Oh My Bag Philippines

Another thing, I got from them to continue my bag into its good form is none other than their "BASE SHAPERS". The purpose of these is so that the weight of the contents can push down on the bag evenly, versus at a concentrated point. Each shapers they have are made to fit perfectly with your bags' dimensions to perfection. So with this, it prevented my bag from sagging and from being sloppy. My bag as you can see, was able to maintain its proper form so they appear young. What I loved about their shapers is that it has smooth edges that will not damage your bag unlike other flexi shapers on the market. Though, mine's color red. It didn't stain my beautiful bag at all. Good thing, it's not made of interior cheap cardboard like most other base shapers (would you really want 'cardboard' in your Louis, Longchamp, Gucci, or Goyard? Ofcourse, not!).

PRICE: ₱295.00

WHERE TO BUY: Oh My Bag Philippines

Who doesn't want a dual purpose when it comes to taking care of our handbags? This is where the handle wraps comes in. This is yet, another brilliant way to style your bag and while at the same time, it gives you the power to also take care of that precious handles of yours (awesome, aren't they?). Oh My Bags handle wraps has tons of benefits, one of which are to protect your bag handles from your sweaty palms (that can darken those handles), it protects them from the oils of your hands , The beauty about this product is that it fits snugly around the bag (just make sure to wrap it properly). It can ensure you that your bag will not fade, and reduces the likelihood of the bag being scratched or damaged.

PRICE: ₱450.00

WHERE TO BUY: Oh My Bag Philippines

Understanding how to properly store, clean, and use the designer bag is important to care for the bag in the best possible manner. However, that wouldn't be complete without the product that I got from them. And that is their "Dehumidifiers". Some people doesn't care nor have dehumidifiers inside their bags. They simply doesn't have the knowledge on how important the product is. These granulate pockets release the dampness when the air turns into dry. The level of dampness present at the environment plays a significant position in dehumidification approach. The temperature variance between inside of and outside of the bag induces the condensation course of action taking place inside the bag. Due to this condensation procedure the moisture varieties a layer in the bag. Dehumidifier will help to avert this condensation approach.

PRICE: ₱85.00

WHERE TO BUY: Oh My Bag Philippines


Because a Beautiful Bag Makes a Beautiful Day! For more designs kindly visit their website at and also do check out their branches:

Binondo- 2nd floor, Bpi Condominium Plaza Cervantes st. Binondo. Manila

Makati- 2nd floor, Cinderella, Glorietta 3, Ayala Mall, Makati City

Malate- 7th floor, Heritage Condominium F Vasquez st corner Remedios st. Malate, Manila




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