Think Globally Drink Locally∣Deconstructing Craft Beers at Tap Station

A revolution is definitely brewing in the craft beer scene here in the Philippines. It seems that in the past few years, there’s been a boom in local microbreweries. According to the Philippine Craft Beer Community as of this year, there are now 36 local breweries: 12 Craft Brewpubs and 24 Nano / Microbreweries with over 200+ Craft Beer Styles in the Philippines. (Whew. It’s getting hard to keep track of all these beers and keep this post updated!) In the Philippines, more and more small-scale breweries are sprouting here and there, some as a result of mere curiosity and the desire to experiment and others to take things to a higher level. The latter usually introduces their own line of fine crafted beers to the public.
Not so long ago, beer selection was pretty simple and straightforward. Most people had a “brand” of beer they always drank and the local pub had a standard set of brews on tap that remained constant. These days, however, try going into a local bar or even a local grocery store and counting fewer than 10 different styles of beer, many of which you have probably never heard of, and I will buy you a beer of your choice. We are now in the age of craft beer and it is a beautiful time for beer lovers.

But, wait! Let me ask you a question first. What do you know about craft beers? I know what you’re thinking. Can 4.1 million barrel output really be "craft"? Well, yes, though the answer’s a bit more complicated. And that’s because defining craft beer is hard to do. Even the craft beer advocacy group, the Brewers Association can't define it, but “rather leaves [that] to the beer enthusiast”—meaning you could lay down a can of Coors Light, crush it against your forehead, and declare it the most delicious, nuanced “craft beer” you’d ever tasted. Trying to define craft beer is a difficult task, as beer can be very subjective and based on personal experience. To make a true craft beer definition even more difficult, each individual beer brand is one of a kind.
Allow me to help you with that. “Craft Brewer,” on the other hand, is a term that can earn a brewery with the certain rights, marketing cachet, and even tax breaks, so defining what qualifies as a craft brewery is pretty essential. And that’s what the Brewers Association does, with three words: small, independent, and traditional. They are promoted to be as diverse as wine in terms of their available selections and often pair those selections with gourmet food.
Would you look at those lovely crafted beers! It's overflowing with flavors, right?

While guzzling down at these 25 craft beers for a self-imposed side quest, I was glad to come across some great ones which are brewed right here in our country (#SupportYourLocalCraftBeers). If you’re a craft beer enthusiast or you just want to try something new, here's a homegrown microbrewery and beers that you should look out for when you are here in the Metro. And it is called by the name of CRAFT REVOLT BREWERY. Owned and operated by the two lovely and brilliant couple, Rosemary and Morgan Kallefjord.

As I was able to gathered facts from my interview with them, their brewery is inspired of having a wide and vivid imagination. Both having an extensive knowledge when it comes to crafting beers. For the reason because, they can see the potential revolution of craft beers in the country. With that said, their homegrown "craft revolt brewery" was born. And it aims to supply it's own craft beers to their respective Tap Stations outlets (yaas, you heard that one right!). They have different branches to happily serve the locals strategically located at Adriatico Street Ermita Manila (which was their first branch, then later on followed by Tap Station Forbes Town BGC and Twin Lakes ( year 2016) that you can surely enjoy.

Tap Station, now then aims to provide consumers with high-quality craft beer. Beers that are made with (ofcourse) the highest quality ingredients; malts, hops and yeast imported from Australia, New Zealand and United States. With the use also of some local specialty spices to give them a distinct local taste and character. The brewers liken the brewing process to making the perfect work of art, and in addition to create a memorable and unique craft beer experience for their customers. Mixed together with their own brews, some from other local breweries such as; Pedro brewery, Great Island Brewery and many more. Tap Station, promised to provide their patrons with fine and exquisite tasting beverages that refreshes and soothes the soul.
Tap Station offers the largest selection of 25 Craft Beers, so far. Variants are written down below:

I've tried: 7 Kriek Fruit Ale (3.0%), Manila Hipster (4.8%), Oktoberfest (6.0%), Delirium (8.5%), Procrastination (5.0%) and Hoegaardern Rosee (3.5%)
Enhancing your Experience

What's the perfect favorite meals to compliment your brews? When pairing beer and food, it all comes down to matching the food flavors to the flavors of the beers. Tap Station has bar chows that you can also enjoy. From Sausage Platter, House Wings, French Fries, Hotdog Special, Cheese Plank, Grav Lax and so much more.

Cheese, Sandwiches, Pizza

Wine and cheese is a universally-known pair, but what most people may not know is that beer is one of the best matches for cheese. Whether it's a straight-up cheese platter, pizza, sandwich, goat cheese salad, almost any beer is a go when it comes to cheese.
Recommended: All beer (Note: for stronger cheeses like goat and blue, grab a darker lager or ale.) Try Hennepin Saison (Belgium)
Fries and Sausages

Even if the Belgians make the best fries in the world and are the largest consumers per person, those salty potato sticks are still a staple cuisine across nations. In general, fries (or frites) are light in flavor profile, so opt for a brew that will help cleanse the palate. Then pair it up with different sausages like German, Chorizo, Schueblig, Hungrian and Frankfurter.
Recommended: Light German Lager, Marzen-style (more malt); Octoberfest brews; Belgian Blonde ale or lager. Try Samuel Adams Octoberfest (US), Stella Artois (Belgium), Leffe Blond (Belgium)

Buffalo wings, spicy Thai, Szechuan Chicken and Mexican dishes all go well with light lagers—basically anything with more hops, which help cut down the spices in the food. It's almost like milk when it comes to spicy food. It doesn't coat the tongue, but the spice in the hops cut through the spiciness in the chilies and peppers and allows the beer to shine through.
Recommended: Lighter lagers; Indian Pale Ales. Try Negro Modelo (Mexico), Corona (Mexico), Spaten-Fransikaner (Germany)

A lot goes into making a gastropub profitable. The quality of not just the beer/food that we are talking about here. But, also the standard of hospitality and nice interiors are of prime importance and hold power to make or break a one's business reputation. However, there are other crucial factors which need to be taken care of to keep the customers walking in and moving out with nothing but memories of a good time. Good drink/food, great service and an awe-inspiring ambience of the pub are the ingredients to the recipe of this perfect hangout place. And, Tap Station has everything what I'm looking for. They are an upscale neighborhood gastropub located in Forbes Town Center, Adriatico-Manila, Twin Lakes-Tagaytay and another station is coming in your way (it will soon rise in Circuit Makati). So, you better make way for their 40 CRAFT BEERS this December!

The customer needs to feel extra special too. Of course, you are leaving no stone unturned with your impeccable hospitality skills. However, a great ambience with proper lighting that matches the ethos of your place will totally have your customer mesmerised.

That's what I personally feel. I felt, transported to the breathtaking place in an instant and felt a greater sense of connect with the food and beers right away.

It's like a blast from the past (as you can see from there!) They truly have an awesome interiors, designed by Morgan himself. Which was inspired from Europe and Hong Kong (kudos to Mr. Morgan!).

I'm not included ok (hihi)?

Crazy, isn't?

What are you waiting for? Don't just stare there.

But.... wait! Hold on. Let's deconstruct those craft beers first.
Deconstructing Craft Beers
Key beer ingredients

Beer has four main components regardless of style: malt, hops, yeast, and water.
Another reason the cost of craft beer is higher than mass-produced beer is that each brewery creates its own flavor/style/twist on the brewing process. And it’s not easy, either. Brewing is all about science and getting the right blend and balance of key essential ingredients while maintaining the right temperature. And let’s not forget about passion. If you can find a craft brewer (or home brewer) who is not passionate about the beer, I will buy you another beer of your choice.
Some facts about beers:
The senses we use when tasting beer
1.) Eyesight
In beer, we notice the color, the clarity, the foam thickness, and the lacing in the glass. Therefore, our eyesight plays a huge part. Because, all of these things are very important in building our impression of the beer.
2.) Hearing
Just like with our eyesight, our ears only respond to a small range of possible frequencies. Sound isn’t a big part of beer, but it does play a role in telling us how carbonated the beer is when the crown is removed, and the gurgling from filling the glass is not to be discounted.
3.) Touch
The relationship that touch has with beer is an interesting one due to the variety of stimuli: the mild pain associated with carbonation, the cold temperature of the beer, the wetness of the liquid, the burn from the alcohol, and even the dryness of the astringency are all touch-based sensations.
4.) Taste
Our sense of taste is only made up of 5 types of stimuli: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami.
5.) Smell
Smell covers all the rest. If what you’re tasting right now in your beer is not sweet, sour, bitter, or salty, then it’s in your nose. Test it out right now: plug your nose while you eat something. You won’t get any flavor other than the basic tastes. Now unplug your nose and BAM. Flavor.
Tips for getting the most out of your beer
For a better beer drinking experience, you must enjoy it together with your friends. New research into the impact of social drinking by Oxford University has found that indulging in a drink or two with friends, in moderation, can actually improve your overall wellbeing. The study, which was published in the Journal Adaptive Human Behaviour and Psychology, found that people who drank regularly at their favorite local pub were happier and were more likely to have a bigger group of friends, leading to better overall satisfaction with life.
So, what are you waiting for? Head over to Tap Station to experience an exquisite taste of their freshly brewed craft beers.
Do take note, It is important to remember that each person has personal tastes. Much like food, what I consider delicious may be repulsive to you. Ask your brewer for a taste of the beer before you order a whole pint and discover it does not suit your personal taste.

Now, go out and have fun trying out new styles of beers and pairing them with different foods.
Cheers to craft brew! Cheers to Tap Station.
For more information, links are provided down below:
IG - Tap Station